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38 Kurse

83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course
83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course

83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil

20202.2-Dasar Telekomunikasi

20211-Praktek Programmable Logic Controller
83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course

Trainer/in: 0011118606 FITRAH ASMA DARMAWANTrainer/in: 0002127102 SAHARUDDIN

20211-Praktek Programmable Logic Controller

Mata kuliah ini termasuk dalam kelompok mata kuliah keahlian elektronika industri. Mata kuliah ini merupakan mata kuliah praktek yang fokus pada implementasi sistem otomasi industri menggunakan perangkat PLC.

20211-Elektronika Analog
83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course

Trainer/in: 0011118606 FITRAH ASMA DARMAWANTrainer/in: 0029106602 PURNAMAWATI

20211-Elektronika Analog

Mata kuliah elektronika analog adalah mata kuliah wajib tempuh dengan bobot 2 SKS. Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang komponen pasif elektronika berupa resistor, kapasitor, induktor; teori semikonduktor; diode; transistor; IC (Integrated Circuit); transformator; dan dasar penguat operasional.

Komputer Forensik
83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course

Trainer/in: YASSER ABD DJAWAD, Ph.DTrainer/in: Faisal Syafar

Komputer Forensik

Course Description:
“A methodological series of techniques and procedures for gathering evidence, from computing equipment and various storage devices and digital media, that can be presented in a court of law in a coherent and meaningful format.”

Course Topics:
Introduction to Computer Forensics
Teach students how to conduct forensic examinations, establish chains of custody, and how to handle and preserve digital media safely. Computer forensic students learn about the types of crimes associated with computer evidence, and they gain professional-level knowledge about related legal and privacy issues.
Familiarizes students with the types of crime that can occur through computers and the Internet, such as e-mail scams, identity theft, hacking, Internet harassment, and phishing. Students learn investigation techniques and discuss how cybercrime is changing and growing. Often, the course covers ways to present evidence in a cybercrime case.
Mobile Forensics
In this course, students will sharpen their skills concerning analyzing data found on mobile devices. Instructors will emphasize steps for conducting investigations and properly obtaining evidence for these types of cases. Students will also learn about digital and analog communications networks and other related cellular technologies. Instructors may also address how to extract data from these devices using various techniques.

83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course
83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course
83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course
83202 - 2021/2022 Ganjil
Preview Course