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79202 - 2021/2022 Genap
Preview Course

Trainer/in: 0009027801 ANDI ARMAWADJIDAH MARZUKI


Welcome to the Translation and Interpreting classroom!

A study guide is available in the first week in a PPT format, which provides important information and should be kept as a reference to assist with your study for this unit. This guide includes information about the objectives of the unit, the online lecturing session topics, your reading resources, independent learning and group tasks, assessment guidelines, and a timeline for the whole semester activities. It is recommended that you read this guide carefully because you will be expected to manage your learning as you work towards a successful study.

Please ensure that your read the study guide!

All students enrolled for this unit for this semester are required to complete a weekly reflective journal. You will be invited weekly by email to write the journal. The journal will be part of the assessment and mark 20% of the whole unit assessment (of 100 points). The journal will be aimed to raise your reflective skills and critical awareness of your own learning progress. It also helps us to improve the quality of the course delivery. The journal will be private and can only be accessed by the teacher. 

Please remember to complete your weekly reflective journal!

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