البحث الشامل غير مفعل
تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

خيارات التسجيل

معلم: Faisal Syafar

Internet of Things


The world is connected through networks and devices, and these connections bring many possibilities and opportunities in business. This MIT Sloan School of Management Internet of Things online short course looks beyond IoT as a technological topic. The program delves into IoT as a practical mechanism to drive business transformation and strategy.

With case studies, interactive media and peer-to-peer learning, you’ll develop an understanding of the technologies and conditions necessary for successful integration of IoT in a business context.


This PTA FT UNM program provides students with an introduction to the necessary technologies, skill components, enablers, and constraints for using IoT in a business. It offers various examples and case studies where IoT is already transforming customer experience, operations, and business models. It also explains the four key elements of leadership capability that make transformation possible through IoT. Real-world case studies, senior executive interviews, self-assessments, and practical assignments will guide participants as they construct a personal roadmap to gain a strategic advantage from IoT.

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