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छोड़ कर मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

नामांकन के विकल्प

Intensive Integrated English Course
88203 - 2020/2021 Ganjil
Preview Course

टीचर: 0914128701 HASRIANI G.

Intensive Integrated English Course

The course is designed to provide students with receptive (Listening and Reading) and productive (Speaking and Writing) skills at using English in communication. The emphasis is on the correct use of basic English structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, stress and intonation patterns in oral communication as well as written communication through intensive classroom practice, such as dialogues and role playing, as well as pair, group, and class activities. In addition, laboratory assignments and individual tutorials may be given on the basis of individual student needs. This is a theme-based course.

मेहमान इस कोर्स तक नहीं पहुंच सकते। कृपया लॉगिन करें।